We Hire Family Caregivers Under The Community HealthChoices (CHC) Program In Pennsylvania

Call Today! (215) 913-8132
New Life Homecare

Senior Care Assistance in Huntingdon Valley, PA

When choosing senior care assistance in Huntingdon Valley, looking for a provider with a proven track record is important. We are proud of our reputation as an upstanding, trustworthy elder assistance provider throughout Pennsylvania. When you choose us for caregiving, you can rely on us to provide companionship, supervision, support, and comfort—all with a focus on making things better for the senior and the family.

We offer elder care throughout the area, including senior care in Bucks County, PA, as well as Huntingdon Valley, PA. We can also help you learn how to become a family caregiver and get paid for caring for your elderly or disabled family member in Huntingdon Valley. Just give us a call to learn more.

Personalized & Compassionate Elder Care

Our team is dedicated to providing personalized assistance and compassionate care for every elder we work with in Huntingdon Valley. We know the extensive difficulties that can come up for older people who are unable to take care of their own needs as they once did. It’s perfectly understandable when an elder facing such challenges becomes frustrated. Fortunately, our team is trained to handle such challenges with assistance and respect for those in our care.

Our home care services include:

  • Bathing
  • Dressing
  • Grooming
  • Bed/wheelchair transfers
  • Incontinence care
  • Pet care
  • Light housekeeping
  • Laundry
  • Linen
  • Meal preparation
  • Medication reminders
  • Running errands
  • Alzheimer's and dementia care

Our goal is to make the individuals in our care as comfortable and safe as possible. It’s not always easy—as you probably understand if you have provided assistance for your loved one—but it’s worth the hard work.

How to Change Your Homecare Agency

Changing your homecare agency is easy and convenient, especially when you change to McCellan. We strive to make the process as quick and painless as possible. Once you have made the switch, you can enjoy all the benefits of using one of the best in the area for your elder care needs in Huntingdon Valley.

Take the following steps to switch your care to our homecare agency:

Our home care services include:

  • 1. Contact your existing Service Coordinator to switch.
  • 2. Call McCellan HomeCare Services at (215) 913-8132 to initiate a transfer.

There are multiple programs in the state of Pennsylvania that help family members get paid as caregivers. Our organization is a provider of Community HealthChoices (CHC), which is a Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waiver program in Pennsylvania. The program is fully funded through Medicaid and allows participants to hire their own caregivers.

To qualify for this program as a family caregiver, you need to be the son, daughter, relative, or friend of the individual you are caring for. You cannot qualify for this program if you are the spouse of the one cared for.

These programs were implemented because of the heavy burden on family members who became senior caregivers. Often, these caregivers had extensive out-of-pocket expenses and missed out on earning a wage because they were home with their loved ones. Now, getting paid for the work you do taking care of your loved one is possible, which can help facilitate better care and improve outcomes for the whole family.

You don’t have to figure out how to become a family caregiver on your own. Our team can help. All you need to do is contact us and tell us about your situation, and we can advise you on the next steps to take to start getting paid for your hard work!

Seniors who are eligible for home care from McCellan HomeCare Services must qualify for Medicare and Medicaid, and all seniors must have Medicaid in order to receive at-home care in Bucks County, PA.


Schedule a Consultation Today!

The easiest way to understand your options regarding senior homecare in Huntingdon Valley is to contact one of our team members. We have people standing by to answer your questions and guide you through accessing the highest-quality home care in the area. We can also help with elderly care in Southampton, PA, and throughout the state.

Please give us a call if you would like to try our homecare services or if you would like to learn more about getting paid to care for your senior family member. You can also call us to ask questions about transferring your care from your current provider to our team. Whatever questions you have, we will do our best to answer them.

Call now to schedule a free consultation and get all the information you need about homecare in Huntingdon Valley!
